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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

O Wonder!

O Wonder, O Wonder,
O Joyous Wonder,
How come your eyes slip into my memory;
Like dew drops from a leaf
How come your beats sync with mine,
Like the chirp of every bird with the flowing air.

Stop in your tracks, you make me smile,
Run along, you make me aspire
Never does a moment tire, never does a fun wither
As you chide the darkness of life with a sly tap

O Wonder, O Wonder,
O Joyous Wonder,
How come your eyes run far and wide
Like a kid caught stealing toffee.
How come your tip toe slaps mischief,
Like the patting of ones sweet pet.

The years chew your innocence
Like detergent over oil and color
Bit by bit, wash by wash
And somehow, it loses aging.

O Wonder, O Wonder,
O Joyous Wonder,
Is it because we share blood
Is it because we share homes

Or is it simply because you make us relive!
Relive those cheeky years gone yonder.


  1. VOILA ... Simple and elegant.....

  2. Very nice poem. Liked each line of it and the style of the writer.

  3. I love the line " and somehow,it loses ageing". Beautiful poem :)
