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Friday, June 11, 2010


Light dosed Prayer half hearted,
‘ere thine shining presence O Lord!

The body lies before him gaping,
A little of its strength decaying away slowly;
Soft spoken words, hard hitten ones,
All flash by the disturbed mind;
Silent tears of injustice quietly fray upon
The lazy blackened eyes.

Large huge pin pricks all over,
Sky’s constellation etched upon the arm
Washing lead with wine and brandy
Swaying on his spot, next to her
‘The Accident’ not much to talk about!
Ended the race for her, but his?
Not his, he had just a huge wall,
He failed to see it so, climb it so;
He looked felt happier on this side.

Drug high, porn high, craze driven bastard!
He turned to, from redundant anger and pain.
One love, he stuck to, one love HE took away
Slipping poison into his dying death.
He looked at her, kept slapping, pinching
Wake up now, right now, he kept crying.
The girl blinked a little, breathed a little,
But more, there was none.
One slight life now, nothing then,
He dint give up, never did!

“Time’s up”, the doc said, “Shift him!”
And they took him and his sandbag away!
He never responded to any treatment.
Couldn’t! “But he should have”, the doc says
“Its been a year since she died, too long isn’t it??”

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Dreadful Dry throatless Wind,
Shivering through the window sill;

Gazing beyond the misplaced canvas,
edging on vision behind;

Only hope, seeing you, way beyond
all the living carcasses betwixt;

Neat fold of love kicking forth
thought and feel to Sense ;

Adding on a touch of Joy,
A touch of HappyNess;

the DAY nears by day,
Birth to one of the million chance;

Backdoor shows a lot,
huge epiphanies intertwined;

Chance we Met, chance we Set,
and all the slow events pass;

And the days grow harsher,
and stronger. Can you face it?

Who spite who?
who spite how?

All the bonding to dust,
But, No! Not the end;

Dust was gathered,
Dust for a new seed;

Because dust is not just Dust,
It has life too, breathing;

New seed of Life and Friendship,
New seed of Joy;

A layer of love and goodness
above many so, above many so;

Intricate deep the fold between,
same, a lil similar the minds apart;

Beer and Holder we say,
Stuck together, niceties among;

Fun friends they say,
Long deep ones they actually are!!

Happy Birthday!