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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Dreadful Dry throatless Wind,
Shivering through the window sill;

Gazing beyond the misplaced canvas,
edging on vision behind;

Only hope, seeing you, way beyond
all the living carcasses betwixt;

Neat fold of love kicking forth
thought and feel to Sense ;

Adding on a touch of Joy,
A touch of HappyNess;

the DAY nears by day,
Birth to one of the million chance;

Backdoor shows a lot,
huge epiphanies intertwined;

Chance we Met, chance we Set,
and all the slow events pass;

And the days grow harsher,
and stronger. Can you face it?

Who spite who?
who spite how?

All the bonding to dust,
But, No! Not the end;

Dust was gathered,
Dust for a new seed;

Because dust is not just Dust,
It has life too, breathing;

New seed of Life and Friendship,
New seed of Joy;

A layer of love and goodness
above many so, above many so;

Intricate deep the fold between,
same, a lil similar the minds apart;

Beer and Holder we say,
Stuck together, niceties among;

Fun friends they say,
Long deep ones they actually are!!

Happy Birthday!


  1. i liked it alot... !! :-) nice one irfan...Escpecially..
    "New seed of Life and Friendship,
    New seed of Joy;

    A layer of love and goodness
    above many so, above many so;

    Intricate deep the fold between,
    same, a lil similar the minds apart;"

    Awesome lines....
